The Guide To Using Componentized Pages


The button can be used in many different components, including Hero, Text And Media, Grid, and others.

Text: This text will appear in the button

Action: Select Link To URL enter your own link. Choose Add To Cart for a product. Choose Link To Anchor to scroll down to another section on the page. Choose Submit Form if the button is in a form.

Display Price On Button: If you have assigned a product to the whole page, the component that the button is in, or directly to the button, this will display the price in the button.

Solid Or Outline: Will inherit the color from the page template

Button Color: Each template has two button colors, Primary CTA and Secondary Button. In some templates they are the same color.

Size: Standard, Large, or Extra Large.

Disclaimer Text: This text will appear below the button.

Discount text: Example: $70/Jar Now $40/Jar

It will appear below the button.

Quantity: If you chose Add To Cart as the action, how many should it add?

Take User Directly To Cart: If yes, it will take the user directly to checkout. If no, they will stay on the page. In most cases, choose yes.

Target URL: If the action is a link to a URL, enter the URL here.

Target Navigation Anchor: If you want the button to scroll the page down to another component on the page, you must first go into that component and add a Navigation Anchor. Then, add the navigation anchor to the button here.

Target Class Override: If the page will have buttons for multiple products on it, you can assign a class specifically to this button here. Otherwise, you should add the class to the whole page instead of the button.

Target Product Override: If the page will have buttons for multiple products on it, you can assign a supplement/product specifically to this button here. Otherwise, you should add the product to the whole page instead of the button.


Large Button With Discount Text And Disclaimer Text

70 / Jar Now $40 / Jar

This is a disclaimer about the button

Large Button With Price

Standard Button

Extra-Large Button

This button has No Action

Sending Email With Buttons

Buttons can be used to add a mailto link which will allow users to click and write an email to someone. The link opens up in the user's email client (Gmail, Outlook, etc.) and is not related to any form or text box on the page.