The Guide To Using Componentized Pages


Cards usually appear as part of a Grid Component, but can also appear on their own in the body of a Componentized Page. When they are in the body, they will appear full-width on desktop devices.

For adding articles in a Grid layout, first create a Grid Component, then add cards to the grid. A card can be an article, a class, podcast or a product.

Item Type: Article, Class, Podcast or Product

Item ID: The ID number of the article, class, podcast or product

Tracking ID: Will be same as Item ID unless you specify differently

URL: The card will link to this page

Headline: The headline that will appear on the card

Subheadline: This will appear below the headline

Category: If it is an article, add the category and will appear above the headline

Duration: If it is a podcast, enter the length in seconds

Byline: The author or instructor name

Review Byline: If its's article with a reviewer, add the reviewer here

Display Rating: If the card is a class or product, this will make the rating appear on the card

Preview Image Upload: Upload the image that appears on the card

Preview Image Crops: Ignore this

Partner Logo: If it's a sponsored/partner item

Partnership Type: Partner or Sponsor.

Programatically Created: If you are the creator of this card, choose no. (Yes means the card was created automatically and not by a person)

Grid of Cards (Row of 3)

Grid of Cards (Row of 4)