The Guide To Using Componentized Pages


A video can either be a standalone component, as a media item in other components such as a Text With Media or Hero component, or in a carousel of several videos.

Title: The title of the video. This may or may not be displayed, depending on where/how the component is used.

Desciption: This may or may not be displayed, depending on where/how the component is used.

Video Object: If the video is not on JW Player, then click here to upload it to Cloudinary or select an existing video from Cloudinary.

JW Player Video ID: If the video is on JW Player, enter the ID here instead of uploading it to Cloudinary.

Thumbnail: Upload the image that you want to appear as the thumbnail for this video.

Background Color: If the video is not part of another component, it will appear on this background.

Size: See examples below.

Navigation Anchor: Adding a navigation link allows you to create a nav bar or button that scrolls to this section.

Destination URL: If this video is for a class, add a link to the class PDP.

Autoplay in View: When you visitor sees / scrolls to this video, the video should start playing automatically

Loop Video: Loop the video when it finishes

Hide Video Controls: Should the Play, Pause, etc. buttons be hidden? For example, if this video is an internal ad/promotion you may want to set it to autoplay, loop, and hide the controls.

Mute Audio: If there should be no sound, choose this option. For example, if the video is an internal ad.

Centered Small, Centered Medium, Centered Large, and Full-Width Examples

Demo - Cloudinary Video

Demo - Cloudinary Video

Demo - Cloudinary Video

Demo - Cloudinary Video

Video in Text With Media


The Headline Appears Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Video Carousel

The Heading Here

Insert the subheading here

The Heading Here

Insert the subheading here

Demo - Cloudinary Video

This is a video that was uploaded to Cloudinary. It is Centered with a Medium size.

Demo - Cloudinary Video

This is a video that was uploaded to Cloudinary. It is Centered with a Medium size.

Demo - Cloudinary Video

This is a video that was uploaded to Cloudinary. It is Centered with a Medium size.

Related Videos (3)

Demo - Cloudinary Video

Demo - Cloudinary Video

Demo - Cloudinary Video